What Happens If You Eat Moldy Fruit


MSN Health and Fitness has fitness, nutrition and medical information for men and women that will help you get active, eat right and improve your overall wellbeing. What Do Squirrels Eat? What`S Processed Food. Fruits. Squirrels eat fruit with enthusiasm. If you happen to live near a fruit tree, or fruit bushes and vines, you’ve most likely noticed.

Garlic Health Benefits - Why You Should Eat Raw Garlic Daily. Garlic is a vegetable and is a species of the onion genus. Garlic is often used to add flavor to recipes and dishes. However, garlic can also be used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of aliments and diseases. Garlic cloves contain many vital nutrients including vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. Garlic contains sulfur compounds from the amino acid allicin, which is most noted for producing garlic’s powerful odor.

Why you should eat garlic raw: When the garlic is cooked this prohibits the garlic’s ability to make allicin. Allicin is one of the primary components of garlic that gives it its health benefits, including the ability to prevent cancer.

What Happens If You Eat Moldy Fruit

· “If you accidentally eat a piece of fruit with mold, [chances are] nothing is going to happen,” Gravely told HuffPost. “Don’t worry about it. Common Health Questions. If you want to learn what happens to your body when you eat a food or use a particular substance, read these insightful health articles today.

Allicin is produced in garlic when the garlic enzyme alliinase is cut or chewed. However, when the garlic is cooked alliinase is then inactivated which causes allicin to not be produced. Before consuming the garlic it is best to allow the cut or crushed garlic to be exposed to the air for at least 5 to 1. How do you incorporate garlic into your daily diet? There’s two options: 1. Add the garlic to your meal or add it to a green juice or smoothie.

Cut a clove of garlic into small pieces and swallow the small pieces one at a time. Reasons Why you should eat garlic daily: 1. Garlic Contains a High Amount of Antioxidants – The antioxidants destroy free radicals and reduce overall oxidative stress. Free radicals can damage DNA and cell membranes. High levels of oxidative stress have been associated with many diseases and conditions.

Antioxidants are also beneficial for preventing types of cancer. Garlic Lowers Your Cholesterol– A study found that the consumption of garlic reduced cholesterol by 9 to 1. Reductions were noted in LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Garlic is Antibacterial– Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic.

It is able to eliminate harmful bacteria but does not kill off healthy bacteria as chemical antibiotics do. Garlic is Anti- fungal– Garlic’s Allicin is also responsible for destroying fungi. Many use garlic as a means of eliminating fungal infections.

Garlic Thins the Blood– Garlic consumption has been shown to thin the blood which can aid in preventing heart disease, the formation of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke. Garlic Boosts Your Immune System– Garlic has strong antiviral properties. To many in Russia, garlic was known as “Russian Penicillin” due to its abilities to effectively treat infections. A study found that garlic is effective at preventing and treating the common cold. It found that those who consumed garlic had significantly fewer colds and the length of their cold was shortened compared to those who did not eat garlic.

Garlic Lowers Risk of Atherosclerosis: Studies suggest that garlic may prevent blood clots and destroy plaque which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Garlic Lowers Your Blood Pressure- Garlic has been used in China for many years as blood pressure medication. Additionally, the Japanese government officially recognized garlic as a blood- pressure depressor. Garlic Helps Your Joints– A study found that those who eat high amounts of garlic were less likely to have osteoarthritis. Garlic Prevents Cancer- Increased intake of garlic has been found to be associated with the reduced risk of certain cancers. This includes cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

Sources: http: //www.

What Is Garlic Good For? Got Garlic? Botanical name: Allium sativum. Revered in Egypt for its medicinal qualities, and prized in Italian, Asian, and Indian cooking, garlic has been called “the stinking rose” for good reason. Closely related to the onion, it’s a bulbous root with an undeniably fragrant pungency. It was mentioned in historical documents that date back 5,0.

Today, China, South Korea, India, Spain, and the U. S. are foremost in garlic production. Not only does it lend a delicious complexity to foods, it claims legitimate beneficence for dozens of different maladies. Fresh garlic has nutritional benefits superior to that of any kind of processing, such as minced and refrigerated, or dried in flakes.

Whole garlic bulbs will keep fresh for about a month if stored properly, preferably away from sunlight in an uncovered container. Health Benefits of Garlic. With garlic, you get an excellent supply of manganese – 2.

Garlic also contains 1. B6, and 1. 5 percent in vitamin C, while allocating good amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and selenium. Numerous studies show garlic’s amazing health potential in nearly every area of the body, from removing heavy metals to the prevention of numerous ailments, such as the common cold, hardening of the arteries, and gangrene, destroying contaminants in baby formula, and even in slowing the aging process. Garlic Nutrition Facts.

Serving Size: 1 clove (3 grams), raw. Calories. 4 Calories from Fat. Total Fat. 0 g. 0%Saturated Fat. Trans Fat  Cholesterol.

Sodium. 1 mg. 0%Total Carbohydrates. Dietary Fiber. 0 g. Sugar. 0 g Protein. Calcium 1%Iron. 0%*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,0. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

How to Select and Store Garlic. You can buy garlic flakes, powder, or paste, but if you truly want to experience this herb’s flavor and nutritional benefits, fresh garlic is your top pick – and it’s available in the market all year round.

Look for bulbs that are plump and have unbroken skin, and are not soft, shriveled, moldy, or have begun to sprout. Any sign of decay can greatly affect the herb’s flavor and texture. Another test of quality: gently squeeze the bulb between your fingers.

If it feels firm, and not damp, then you’re choosing good- quality garlic. Fresh garlic is best stored either in an uncovered or loosely covered container, and kept in a cool, dark place away from heat and sunlight. This helps prevent it from sprouting. No need to refrigerate garlic. Some people freeze peeled garlic, but be warned that this will reduce its flavor profile and cause its texture to deteriorate.

As long as they’re stored properly, whole garlic bulbs stay fresh for a month. The trick is to inspect the bulbs frequently, and remove any cloves that are dried out or moldy. Remember that breaking the head of the garlic also reduces the shelf life to just a few days. Studies Done on Garlic. While garlic has long been acknowledged as a healthy food by proponents of both natural and conventional medicine, one study noted its cancer- fighting and cancer preventive qualities against several kinds, including colon, stomach, lung, and colorectal cancers, and possibly breast cancer. Another study documented the use of fresh garlic, garlic powder, and garlic oil used worldwide for centuries for protection against bacterial, viral, parasitic infection, to bolster the immune system, discourage tumor growth, and rid the cells of free radicals with its antioxidant capabilities. Studies have shown a relation between garlic and the removal of heavy metals in the body, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic.

One study showed a significant decrease in lead content due to garlic extract doses concentrated in liver, kidneys, brain, and bone, suggesting that garlic might be used to chelate or remove dangerous lead concentrations from the body. For the day- to- day health benefits of garlic, one study reported that it’s better as a heart protector when it’s raw and freshly crushed, as opposed to heat- treated or otherwise processed garlic. Fresh garlic also has important cardioprotective properties that can help lower blood triglyceride and total cholesterol levels by five to 1. Garlic also offers protection for your blood cells and blood vessels against inflammatory and oxidative stress.

Blood vessel linings can be damaged by highly reactive oxygen molecules, which is a key factor for increasing your risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack and atherosclerosis. On the other hand, oxidative damage leads to unwanted inflammation – a deadly combination that puts your blood vessels at risk of plaque formation and clogging. This where garlic proves useful, as it offers a unique set of sulfur- containing compounds that have anti- inflammatory and anti- oxidative properties that make it ideal for cardiovascular support, especially against chronic degenerative cardiovascular conditions like atherosclerosis.

For more information on garlic, see: “Why Was This Ancient Spice Given to People Building the Pyramids?” and “Raw Garlic for Parasites and Viral Infections.”Garlic Healthy Recipes: Slow Roasted Garlic Tomatoes. Ingredients: ✓ 8 ripe Roma tomatoes✓ 6 cloves of garlic✓ 2 tablespoons coconut oil✓ 6 teaspoons thyme Salt and pepper. Procedure: Heat oven to 3. F. Core out each tomato and cut a 3/4 inch deep X in the end of each tomato. Sprinkle inside of tomatoes with salt and pepper.

Stuff each tomato with 1 clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of thyme. Coat coconut oil in the bottom of a shallow baking dish, place tomatoes in a row, and bake for 1.

This recipe makes 6 servings.(From Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type by Dr. Mercola)Garlic Fun Facts"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish proverb. If you have garlic breath, the best options to mask it are drinking milk or eating parsley. Summary. Who doesn’t love the tantalizing fragrance of garlic? Those who appreciate this savory bulb have tasted it in seasonings, spreads, dips, rubs, oils, cheeses, soups, roasts, and salad dressings… Listing the culinary credits could take a while. But conventional wisdom regarding garlic goes far beyond its use in the kitchen.

Researchers have tested it and have not been disappointed with its proven power as a natural preventive for numerous diseases and illnesses including cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, bacterial and fungal infections, and the common cold. Best Healthy Fish.