We have made this recipe two times more since then, experimenting with the ingredients. How To Reheat Prime Rib Without Overcooking It. We have tried both basil and sage, they both taste good in their own way, choose whatever is easiest to find. Roasted chickpeas are fun to try in a pesto, but quite honestly, the hazelnuts give a better punch to the taste.
Raw broccoli might sound repulsive to some of you, but it is in fact very good in salads. We often make a super tasty raw broccoli salad with mayo, onion, raisins, sunfl … wait a minute, let’s save this recipe for another post ; -) Here is how you do the pesto.
Broccoli Pesto. 2 cups of pesto. We left out cheese to keep it vegan. If you are not a vegan, a few slices of pecorino works great here.
A couple of stems fresh basil or sage. Throw all the ingredients in a blender or food processor. Pulse for about a minute. Taste it. Add more olive oil or water if it feels too dry, and salt & pepper according to taste. Serve with pasta, in a salad, on a sandwich or in a wrap. Luckily Elsa loves vegetables (she always makes her ahmmmm sound whenever we pass the vegetable department), but if you are having problems getting your child to eat greens, pesto is a good trick.