How To Make Apple Pie With Pie Filling


How to Make Homemade Apple Pie Filling to Can or Freeze at Home, Easily and Illustrated! Looking for Apple pie filling: How to Make Homemade Apple Pie Filling to Can or Freeze at Home, Easily and Illustrated! Scroll down this page and  follow the links. And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you have questions or feedback, please let me know!   Apple pie filling: How to Make Homemade Apple Pie Filling to Can or Freeze at Home, Easily and Illustrated!

· DIY Home Canned Apple Pie Filling in a Jar. These are perfect to have on hand during apple season or when you crave an apple pie, crisp or cobbler. A. Apple Pie is awesome. Homemade apple pie is more awesome. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have homemade apple pie filling in your pantry for those cold days when f.

Click here for a PDF print version. AH. apple pie filling.. If. you have a surplus of apples, and after making applesauce and apple. Did you think making and canning your own.

How To Make Apple Pie With Pie Filling

Not at all!  Here's how to do it, complete instructions in easy steps and. The apple pie filling will taste so MUCH better than that.

How To Make Apple Pie With Pie Filling

Prepared this way, the jars have a shelf life of 1. You can also freeze it! Eggplant Parmigiano. Now here's how you can. Directions for Making  Canned Apple Pie Filling. Ingredients and Equipment. Apple Pie Filling Ingredients Quantities of Ingredients Needed to make 1 Quart. Quarts. Peeled, cored, sliced fresh apples.

Granulated sugar - you may use other sweeteners instead, such as Stevia, honey, Agave, Splenda, etc. See step 8. 1 cup. Corn starch: the USDA recommends a modified cornstarch they. Clear Jel® (dry) - See the. Amazon box below for where.

  • [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] Back in July, I wrote an article that tackled the basics of pie crust. Which is useful, for sure, but a pie without filling is, well.
  • The texture of pumpkin pie with the taste of apple! Apple Butter Pie has a 5 minute filling bursting with traditional fall flavor.
  • We've already figured out how to make great crusts and which apples to use, but I want apple slices that retain their structure as they bake, fully softening so that.
  • In 2004, I discovered this wonderful recipe! Made some adjustments, and ever since, I’ve “mega-cooked” my apple pie fillings. The following recipe truly does.
  • · Why choose between apple pie, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie when you could have all three in one?
  • If you have a hankering to can some apple pie filling, this is the recipe to use. It is simple and makes up to seven quarts of filling.

If you cannot get Clear. Jel in time, some people use ordinary corn. Clear. Jel. The USDA.

Clear. Jel is much safer than ordinary cornstarch. It's not. expensive, so I use it just to be safe.(Note: corn starch is called "corn flour" in the UK)If you can't get the Clear- Jel in time to can, then you may want. Cinnamon. 1/2 teaspoon. Nutmeg. 1/4 teaspoon. Cloves. 1/4 teaspoon. Ginger. 1/4 teaspoon.

Allspice. 1/4 teaspoon. Cold Water. 1/2 cup. Apple juice. 3/4 cup. Bottled lemon juice. Equipment: vegetable/apple peeler. Jar grabber (to pick up the hot jars)Lid lifter (has a magnet to pick the lids out of the boiling.

Jar funnel ($2 at mall kitchen stores and local "big box" stores, but it's usually cheaper online from our affiliates)t)At least 1 large pot. Large spoons and ladles. Ball jars (Publix, Kroger, other grocery stores and some "big box" stores carry them - about $8 per dozen quart. Water Bath Canner (a huge pot with a lifting rack to sanitize the jars of. You CAN use a. large pot instead, but the canners are deeper, and have a rack top. If you plan on canning every year.

Recipe and Directions. Step 1 - Selecting the apples. The most important step!  You need apples that are sweet - NOT. Granny Smith's.  Yeah, I know you like them to eat. Instead. choose apples that are naturally sweet and tart varieties. Bramley, Cox Pippin, Fuji, Mc. Intosh, Stayman Winesap, Jonagold.

Rome, Cameo, Jonathon. If you can't get any of these, then try Red Delicious,  Honeycrisp, etc.

You want a flavorful, aromatic and firm apple (Golden Delicious and. Galas are too soft, for example). Always use a mixture - never just one. The Fuji's and Gala's give it. Honeycrisp and Pink Lady are also excellent, sweet, flavorful apples.

Step 2 - How many apples and where to get them. You can pick your own, or buy them at the grocery store. You can also get them in large quantities for prices (in 2. Atlanta- Forest park. Georgia State Farmer's Market and orchards in the southeast of the. Monkey Bread Directions on this page. U. S.  You'll get about 1.

Step 3 - Wash the jars and lids. Now's a good time to get the jars ready, so you won't be rushed later. The dishwasher is fine for the jars; especially if it has a "sanitize" cycle, the water bath processing will. If you don't have a dishwasher with a sanitize cycle, you can wash the containers in hot, soapy water and rinse, then. Leave the jars in the dishwasher on "heated dry" until you are ready. Keeping them hot will prevent the jars from breaking when. Put the lids into a pan of hot, but not quite boiling water (that's what the manufacturer's recommend) for 5 minutes, and use the magnetic "lid lifter wand" to pull them out.

Step 4 - Wash the apples! I'm sure you can figure out how to wash the apples in plain. Step 5 - Peel the apples.

The fastest way to peel the apples is one of these peelers!  With firm. These apple peelers don't work. In that case. your stuck with a hand peeler!

But these peelers are SO easy to use, my 3. Once. they're peeled, remove any remaining brown spots. These apple peelers work. They don't work so.

There are 2 types of. Back to Basics", below) and those that clamp on to the edge of a. Progressive" below").  I prefer the suction type as you can use it more places. Click on the links below for more info or to order one. Step 6 - Core and Slice. You can use a knife, but the $5 corer/slicer you see in the photo is the easiest way to do. The apple corer/slicer, available at almost. Bed Bath and Beyond, mall kitchen stores, Target and other local "big box" stores.

With this or an ordinary knife, any slices that are between 1/4- inch and. Remove seeds, stems, any hard parts near the seeds and brown or soft. Here are the apple slices, ready for the pie filling! These corer/slicers are fantastic.  Think about it; it makes six slices. AND it cores. The one sold here through.

Amazon. com is better than any I've seen in the stores because it has tall. Click on the link below for more info or to order one. Step 7 - Blanch the Apples. It's pretty simple:  place sliced apples at a time in a. Boil each batch 1 minute after the water returns to a boil. You're not really "cooking" the apples - just blanching them. Blanching means heating at high temperature for a brief time to stop.

Drain. and keep the hot cooked fruit in a covered bowl or pot. Step 8 - Make the liquid for the filling. Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a large pot with the apple juice and water.

If you don't want to use sugar, see the table below. Sweetener Options (per quart)Type of sweetener. Notes. Amount per 1 quart. Amount per 7 quart batch. Stevia Stevia blends vary a lot in. Splenda 1 cup. 7 cups. Blend (5. 0- 5. 0 sugar and Splenda) 1/2 cup Splenda AND 1/2 cup of sugar.

Splenda AND 3 and 1/2. Blend (sugar and Stevia) 1/4 cup Stevia AND 1/2 cup of sugar. Stevia AND 2 cups of sugar. Honey. You need to thin the honey with some. Concentrated frozen apple or white. Use undiluted. 1 cup undiluted concentrated thawed.

Agave 1 cup. 7 cups. Other combinations: Of course, you can use of. Stevia. It will. be trial and error to find out what works best for you, as I haven't. You could. use water instead of apple juice. But best results will come from staying fairly close to the recipe. I've had excellent results using half the amount of sugar and adding.

Step 9 - Heat the liquid. Mix the Clear. Jel or corn starch with the lemon juice and add this to. Boil 1 minute on medium heat, stirring constantly, just until it. Then remove from the heat.  It ought to be reasonably thick. WARNING: it gets thick really quickly, so don't overcook it, and if you.

IMPORTANT TIPS: Clear Jel thickens. You have to move. If it does. become too thick you can thin it with some water.

Just add enough. water to make it manageable. Problem solving: If it gets too stiff: To make add a little more apple juice. If it is too thin: To make stiffer, just heat  and add. Clear Jel® and mix. Note: According to the USDA's National Home Food Preservation.

Center at the University of Georgia, Clear. Jel®. is a corn starch that has been modified to give it special and unique. It is recommended by the USDA for. In other words it reduces.

It is preferred for thickening canned. Clear. Jel® may be frozen. If you want to freeze the filling instead of can it, just fill your freezer containers. Zip. Loc bags or plastic containers) or an uncooked apple pie. Fill the jars with the apple slices and liquid. As the liquid is now very thick, it won't easily flow, so you need to fill. After each layer I use a spoon, blunt knife or my fingers to press down to fill any air spaces with liquid.

A jar funnel helps.