How To Cook Turnip Greens


Warm Turnip Green Dip Recipe Preheat oven to broil. Cook bacon in a Dutch oven over medium- high heat 5 to 6 minutes or until crisp; remove bacon, and drain on paper towels, reserving 1 Tbsp. Dutch oven. Sauté onion and garlic in hot drippings 3 to 4 minutes. Add wine, and cook 1 to 2 minutes, stirring to loosen particles from bottom of Dutch oven.

· Southern style turnip greens, stewed with salt pork, beef base, a bit of sugar and cider vinegar. Serve with cornbread and pickled onions and pass the hot. Harvest and Preserving Tips. For turnip greens, pick 4 weeks after sowing or wait until the roots develop and harvest turnip roots when they reach 2-3 inches in. Southern Collard Greens, that delicious green vegetable served year round in most Southern households. It’s the mainstay side dish of most every New Years Day meal. If you love greens with ham hock, try this recipe. Why it's better for you: Lean ham and fat-free broth offer the good flavor of the original dish. These much-loved Southern turnip greens are served with cornbread and pepper sauce. This version is made with salt pork, but bacon can be substituted.

Stir in turnip greens, next 4 ingredients, and 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese. Cook, stirring often, 6 to 8 minutes or until cream cheese is melted and mixture is thoroughly heated. Transfer to a lightly greased 1 1/2- qt. Make certain that you use a broiler- safe baking dish.) Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Broil 6 inches from heat 4 to 5 minutes or until cheese is lightly browned. Sprinkle with bacon. Garnish, if desired. Marshmellows there.

Turnip greens are highly nutritious and are most researched in regards to its ability to fight inflammation, which can lead to heart disease and cancer. Plain turnip can be safely canned at home using a pressure canner. There is no water-bath method. The follow directions are from the USDA. The Recipe Jar size choices. Thanks for posting. I like spinach, broccoli rabe, dandelion greens, cabbage, but not kale, collard or turnip greens. Bok choy is very tasty.

Serve with assorted crackers, flatbread, and wafers. Note: To make ahead, prepare recipe as directed through Step Cover and chill 8 hours. Zucchini Basil Soup.

How To Cook Turnip GreensHow To Cook Turnip Greens

Cook peeled and cut-up turnips and sliced garlic in olive oil in a large skillet until tender. Add the turnip greens and cook until just wilted. Season with salt and.

Bake, covered with aluminum foil, at 3. Uncover and bake 3.

Sprinkle with bacon. Serve with assorted crackers and chips. Warm Spinach- Artichoke Dip: Substitute 2 (1. Proceed with recipe as directed.

Chard and Cooking Greens Vegetable Seeds to buy in the UK from The Real Seed Catalogue. It's worth scrolling down, as there are all sorts of other interesting greens listed here, as well as the Chard. Once you've tried all these, don't forget the Kale, Oriental Greens, and Mustard Greens (which have their own pages) too. CHARD Seed. ~(also LEAF BEET, SPINACH BEET & PERPETUAL SPINACH) We are very fond of Chard, it provides a great cooked green for nearly. One of our 'must have' crops, such a good return from even a little. When to sow chard? Two sowings: First sow in spring for crops through summer and autumn.

Or alternatively, sow after midsummer, for the heaviest production over winter and through to the following spring. Leaf. Beet (aka 'Perpetual Spinach') This variety of chard is bred to have minimal stem (and maximum leaf) for picking. Great for repeated. A sowing in late spring can provide greens for almost.

Light green leaves , minimal stem. Order Ch. LB - 3. Stock: Fordhook Giant. Chard. Large glossy dark green leaves and wide white stems - a productive plant with tender leaves that reduce less on cooking than other similar greens.  Very good value, cropping over a long period. The unusual thing about this particular strain is that it has very sweet stems. Its nice to eat straight off the plant in the garden, and the stems are also noticably sweet when cooked.

Great in stir- fries & stews too. Dark green, medium white stem. Order Ch. FG - 3. Stock: Golden Chard A fantastic new chard bred specially for home gardeners.

We liked it in our trials because it has really strong colouring on its stems, as well as a good texture and flavour. The leaves are a nice deep green, and it is very vigorous, making lots of leaves. The deep gold stalks even keep their colour well after cooking. Very beautiful, as well as tasty. Limited seed each year. Order Ch. Go - at least 1.

Stock: Pink Passion Chard An amazing chard with shocking pink stems, and succulent dark green leaves. It was thought to be extinct, but was rescued from a single packet by the dedicated people at Wild Garden Seeds, and after several years’ work, is now available again. We love it because not only is it tasty & productive, it is just beautiful to look at in the garden. Shocking Pink! Back from the brink of extinction. Order Ch. PP - at least 1. Stock: ~ SALSOLA ~ Liscari Sativa (Agretti, Salsola soda) Salsola has a beautiful 'candelabra' shape and crisp, crunchy thin. The whole plant is simply gathered in bunches when small and.

Raw, it makes a really good. Our original seed came from Italy, but also popular. Japan where it is used for soups. An easy plant to grow, and a. Delicious, it is rarely available. Although the plants do get bigger later on, we think it is better to sow quite a lot and harvest young, so we give you quite a lot of seeds in the packet.

Growing it is easy. Although germination is always a bit poor, because they are not 'proper' seeds, actually little plants rolled up in a ball, but don't worry as we give you loads of seed in the packet and you will definitely get some plants from it. Too much heat actually reduces germination - so sow early undercover (up to end March), or outdoors later in the spring. Nice both cooked & raw. Only available from December onwards each year. Order LGSA - 1. 0g approx - £Stock: ~ TURNIP GREENS ~'Turnip Greens (also known as 'Rapa. Senza Testa' ) Turnip Greens are a really good green from central Europe.

A quick alternative to Chard or Kale, ready about 4 weeks from sowing,with mild green leaves that have a wonderfully buttery flavour when cooked, and are also nice and mild if used raw in salads. Unlike chard it doesn’t take up space for months on end, so you can just throw in a quick row here & there as a catch crop. Great quick green - give it a go, we think you'll like it! Not ‘turnip- flavoured’ - just a wonderful green on its own.

Order Br. TG - 2g seed. Stock: When to sow? It bolts in the heat, so either sow very. The other one I'm really impressed with is your turnip greens. I think you're the only one out there selling the seeds so double thankyou. I know you can grow them as a catch crop but they really come into their own in my opinion as a late winter/early spring vegetable. I sow in pots in august and plant out in sep/oct following summer crops.

I pick the leaves sparingly through the winter but it's the spears in spring that I'm really after. They are simply delicious - much better than kale or broccoli in my opinion, really tender and sweet (I call it sweet- kale - Mike~ HUAUZONTLE ~Huauzontle (Aztec Broccoli )This amazing plant grows large bushes (4 ft tall) with delicious edible leaves. However the best bits are the hundreds & hundreds of flower shoots which you gather just before they show their tiny yellow petals.

Easily picked, just take the top 3 inches of each flower stem (which will have both leaves and flowers) and boil or steam them. They are simple to cook and really nice. It is hard to explain, but as well as the flavour, what is quite special about this plant is the texture when cooked. This is one of the very few greens that keep a great texture when cooked, with a very slight crunch to them. They're not in any way chewy - but they just don't go completely soft the way that for example spinach does. Because of this, as well as just eating as a green, they are a really great thing to mix in with rice, potato cakes, couscous or stir- fries, as an easy way to make a very simple and plain dish seem really special. If you're a particularly keen cook, search on the internet for 'Huauzontles' for lots of Mexican recipes for fritters and more!

But they're great just cooked simply and quickly as a side dish too. We plant around half a dozen plants in our home garden each summer, to supply us with shoots from mid- summer right through to the middle of October. Botanically speaking, this is Chenopodium berlandieri. The baby plants look similar to the weed Fat Hen - so don't weed them out by mistake!

They can get about 3 to 5 ft tall, and almost as wide. The leaves go red as nights cool, looking very pretty.

Order LGHu - approx 2. Stock: FEEDBACK: thank you for your wonderful seed supplying service .

Hauzontle - delicious and nicknamed "sproccoli" in our family as it tastes like a mixture of spinach and broccoli . Jenny Middleton~ VEGETABLE MALLOW~ Vegetable mallow (Malva crispa) - used as spinach. This one is great! With this variety we think we've found a winner.