Corn Tortillas


All Souls Tortilleria Local Organic Tortillas. A true tortilla is nothing more than whole corn steeped in water with lime, stone ground, and cooked over fire. From the tiny hard seed of wild teosinte to our current array of domesticated maiz, corn has co- existed with the people of the Americas for millennia. Corn has rooted us to the land, fed our families, and shaped our culture. We use the traditional process of stone- grinding nixtamal into fresh masa each production day for the best- tasting most nutritious tortillas. When cooked this way, the niacin (Vitamin B3) in the corn becomes available, essential amino acids become more balanced, and calcium, iron, copper, zinc levels increase–especially calcium. In short, tortillas like ours are the healthiest way to eat corn.

Corn Tortillas Nutrition

Corn Tortillas Calories

And traditional tortillas just taste better, so why not? All Souls’ tortillas use locally- grown organic heirloom corn. We source our heirloom corn (Wapsie Valley is the variety) from Aurora Farm in Charlotte, VT as well as Lakeview Organic Grain in Penn Yan, NY. We are currently working with UVM Extension to trial new varieties of corn that show promise both in the fields of the Northeast, and in our tortillas. Stay tuned as we roll out these in the seasons ahead. These tortillas are at the heart of our striving to celebrate the bounty of our home.

Bringing good food to the good people around your table.– – –To Purchase. Our tortillas are available for wholesale, retail, and foodservice accounts through direct sales and through our distributors Black River Produce and Reinhart Foodservice Burlington. Reach out directly to us for specific grocers and restaurants offering our tortillas near you.

Corn tortillas are made with masa harina (finely ground cornmeal) and are very quick and simple to make. A great accompaniment to many Mexican dishes, they can also. From Mexico, an unleavened, round, flat bread resembling a very thin pancake. Tortillas can be made from corn flour (masa) or wheat flour, but they are always baked. The easiest way to make homemade tortillas is to use masa harina, which is a corn tortilla flour. However, most brands (Maseca is the most popular) are made with. In North America and Central America, a tortilla is a type of thin, unleavened flatbread, made from finely ground maize (corn). In Guatemala and Mexico, there are.

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Homemade Corn Tortillas - Part Two: How to Make Masa. Ginny,Maybe she is talking about aflatoxin. I’m not “allergic” to corn or beans but haven’t been able to eat them because of my sensitivities to the mycotoxins, etc (aflatoxin and aspergillus and maybe others are on corn/beans). My hands literally bleed after 2. After reading in Nourishing Traditions that soaking beans in water overnight with some lemon juice in it neutralizes the aflatoxin I decided to give it a try. NO reaction, yeah!!

So, yes, I can eat properly soaked beans – a ton – and don’t bleed. After that success I thought I would venture a try with soaked corn. Yeah, no bleeding hands! I happen to have a very outward sign so I can tell. Pate Recipe. I tried these tortillas and did NOT react. Trust me, I would! I’m so sensitive that I can’t even eat, say, potato chips fried in corn oil or any corn product whether it’s organic or not (I can, however, eat fresh corn on the cob – no mold buildup yet).

So, this recipe for soaking the corn was wonderful for me. The tortillas themselves were a bit of a flop for me because I was using cornmeal, I think. On the other hand, the chips I made with the tortillas were awesome. It was so nice to enjoy the taste of corn once again. Andouille Sausage Recipes.

Hope this helps,Beth.- = Beth´s last blog . Goodbye Board Books!