AVAVA/i. Stock/Getty Images Fiber promotes weight loss in a variety of ways. Foods rich in fiber generally take a longer period of time to chew, giving your body more time to register you are full. Creamy Spinach Dip.
This can prevent you from overeating and can make you feel full for a long period of time, so you are not hungry between meals. Fiber assists the body in having regular bowel movements. David Lentz/i. Stock/Getty Images Both types of fiber promote digestive health, and different types of fiber can also be effective in helping irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis. Fiber assists the body in having regular bowel movements and increases the weight and size of stool, as well as softens it.
This decreases chances of constipation and can help solidify diarrhea by absorbing water. Fiber can also help control blood sugar levels. Fuse/Fuse/Getty Images Fiber may also help control blood sugar levels and prevent Type 2 diabetes. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, fiber may also help prevent various types of cancer, but further studies are needed to prove this.